UPDATE: Dog Found Guarding His Deceased Owner In The Snow Finds A Loving New Home


Update: Not long after Baby Dog’s story was shared to iHeartDogs, his friend Buddy also found a home! Placer County Animal Services updated their followers in a post:

After everything this sweet senior has been through, losing his dad and hiking through the snow to find help, we couldn’t be happier for Buddy. Although his story captured national attention, Buddy enjoys the easy going life with his amazing new dad and brother. Thank you Mike for seeing how special Buddy is and loving him 🧡💙 We can’t wait to see you two at a brewery together in the future!
An update from Buddy’s new dad:
For the most part, Buddy is a very mellow dog and has almost instantly taken to his surrounding here in my home with me. He has many of those classic cattle dog traits, such as being attached at the hip to his owner, but fortunately it seems like his high energy days are behind him. He seems content with just sleeping the day away as close to me as possible.
Mako – his new fur-companion is still working out what this new dog means to him (Mako has been the sole dog of this house since I brought him home at 8 weeks old), and for the most part has been doing really well with the moderated interactions I have had with these two. I’m going to continue to take things slow and keep interactions short and moderated. Buddy identified with his crate as a safe space almost instantly, and is thus far, is most often found sleeping inside of it out of his own volition (which has been nice as I don’t have to crate train him!). Buddy appears to be liking his new situation all things considered, and doesn’t seem to care about Mako being there, which makes helping them both with this transition that much easier.
I’ve attached some pictures I took over the weekend, from the moment I loaded him into the car at the shelter, to a glimpse of life at his new home. i have yet to hear him bark/growl/make any auditory noise (other than snoring), which is a nice change of pace from the other cattle dog, who will bark and whine if he stands still for too long.
He sure is making himself at home here, and I think he seems pretty happy to be here, too.

Original post:

Last month, 69-year-old David Deshon was reported missing by his daughter Shona. Two days later, Placer County, CA sheriff’s deputies discovered his body in the snow. It is a heartbreaking end to a valiant rescue effort, but Deshon’s loved ones take comfort in knowing he was not alone in his final moments.

Deshon’s beloved dogs, 10-year-old Buddy, and 5-year-old Baby Dog remained by his side throughout the entire ordeal. Even after their master passed, Baby Dog refused to abandon him, lying protectively across Deshon’s body while Buddy found his way to a nearby neighbor’s home.

When rescuers arrived, they were unable to persuade Baby Dog to relinquish Deshon’s remains until a trusted neighbor was brought in.

Screenshot via WRAL News

Shona believes her father’s car became stuck as he attempted to drive through an extreme snowstorm. Deshon and the dogs tried to hike home but became lost and disoriented.

Now, 10-year-old Buddy and 5-year-old Baby Dog are starting over. Both were taken to the Placer County Animal Services shelter to recover from their ordeal. Once word spread about their heroism, the county received calls from good Samaritans around the world. Some offered to adopt one or both dogs while others made donations towards their care. A donor from Ohio paid for both dogs’ adoption fees and supplies.

Screenshot via WRAL News

This week, Baby Dog got to meet his new family. Deshon’s daughter Shona is unable to care for the dogs herself, but is delighted to see Baby Dog go home with the next best thing – her next-door neighbors!

Lisa Lomeli and her husband, Lawrence picked up their new pup from the Placer County Animal Services shelter this Tuesday. Baby Dog was a bit nervous at first, but soon warmed to the couple. All the gentle neck scratches definitely helped!

Lomeli thinks this is the perfect arrangement for everyone. Baby Dog gets a wonderful new home, Deshon’s family can still remain in his life, and Lomeli’s ailing mother gets a new pooch to love.

“I had told her [Shona] this is like a perfect, perfect story, because my mom has been going through cancer for a year and is just finishing up chemo,” Lomeli told WRAL News. “She lost her lab a year ago and has been very lonely.”

While Baby Dog is settling in well, Buddy has yet to find his perfect home. As an overweight senior, he may prove to be a difficult placement. You can help Buddy find his happy ending by sharing this story!

H/T and Featured Screenshot via WRAL News

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