4 Ways to Help Your Dachshund’s Fear of Fireworks This 4th of July


The Fourth of July, while a joyous time of celebration for humans, can often be a time of distress for our canine companions, especially our brave little Dachshunds. The flashes, bangs, and unexpected noise can incite fear and anxiety in dogs, causing restlessness, excessive panting, and even escape attempts. Fortunately, there are several techniques you can adopt to mitigate your Dachshund’s fear of fireworks, turning the festive period into a comfortable and serene time for both you and your pet.

1. Preparing a Safe Space

The first method to help your Dachshund is creating a “safe space” in your home. Dogs instinctively seek refuge in den-like places when scared, and providing such a spot for your Dachshund could help them manage their stress better. This could be a comfortable crate, a closet, or even a room with blackout blinds and soundproofing to reduce exposure to noise and lights. Ensure this area has plenty of their favorite blankets and toys, as familiar smells can help soothe them. Experiment with different spots ahead of time to find a space where your pet feels most secure.

2. Behavior Training and Desensitization

Gradual exposure to noise can help lessen your Dachshund’s reaction to fireworks. This technique, called desensitization, works by playing recorded firework noises at a low volume, then gradually increasing the volume over time. Pair these sessions with positive reinforcement like treats and praises to help your dog associate the noise with positive experiences. Counter-conditioning is another valuable method, where you change your dog’s emotional response to the noise. Each time the noise happens, immediately give your dog a treat. This way, they learn to associate the scary noise with something pleasant. These training techniques require patience, so start weeks before the Fourth of July.

3. Use of Dog Appeasing Pheromones

Dog Appeasing Pheromones (DAP) are synthetic pheromones that mimic the ones released by a mother dog to calm her puppies. These can be purchased as sprays, diffusers, or even infused in collars and can be an effective non-drug way to reduce anxiety. They create a sense of safety and comfort that can help your Dachshund remain calm during the firework display.

The Adaptil brand Diffuser is the most popular product on Amazon.

4. CBD Oil for Canine Calmness

In recent years, CBD oil has gained traction in the pet wellness world, and rightly so. CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a compound derived from the hemp plant, a relative of the marijuana plant. However, unlike marijuana, CBD does not have the psychoactive properties that create the ‘high’ effect.

Research has shown that CBD can help alleviate anxiety in dogs. It works by interacting with the endocannabinoid system, a network of receptors that help maintain balance in the body. When ingested, CBD can create a calming effect, reducing anxiety and fear responses.

Giving your Dachshund CBD oil before the fireworks start could help them remain calm and collected. It’s crucial to find a reputable brand that provides high-quality, pet-safe CBD products, free from THC (the psychoactive compound in marijuana). Always consult your vet before starting any new supplement regimen for your pet.

CBD oil can be administered directly into the mouth, or mixed into their food. Always follow the recommended dosage and start with the smallest dose. Monitor your dog’s reaction to the oil and adjust the dosage accordingly.

While the effects of CBD are promising, remember that it’s not a magic potion that can completely eradicate fear. It should be used in conjunction with other methods, like providing a safe space and desensitization training.

You can learn more about the CBD that the iHeartDogs team uses and recommends here. 

Helping your Dachshund cope with their fear of fireworks is a multi-step process. It might require a bit of trial and error to find the perfect strategy. The goal is to ensure that the Fourth of July is as enjoyable for your furry friend as it is for you. Understanding and compassion from their human is what a dog with noise anxiety needs the most. So, as you prepare for the festivities, keep your pet’s needs in mind and give them an extra cuddle. It might just be the best comfort of all.

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