What’s The Bite Force of a Chinese Crested & Does It Hurt?


Chinese Cresteds, with their elegant appearance and distinctive hairless variety, are small toy dogs that have captured the hearts of many. While they are primarily known for their unique looks and loving nature, there may be moments when owners wonder about their bite force. This article sheds light on the bite force of Chinese Cresteds and if it’s something to be concerned about.

Understanding Bite Force in Canines

When discussing the bite force of any dog breed, it’s essential first to understand what bite force means. The bite force is typically measured in pounds per square inch (PSI) and signifies the pressure applied by a dog’s jaw when it bites down. Several factors, like the size of the dog, its jaw structure, and breed-specific traits, can influence this force.

Chinese Cresteds and Their Jaw Structure

Chinese Cresteds, being toy breeds, have a smaller jaw compared to larger dog breeds. The design of their jaw focuses more on gripping than exerting tremendous force. This structure means that while Chinese Cresteds can bite, the force behind it isn’t as strong as that of larger breeds, such as German Shepherds or Rottweilers.

How Strong is the Bite of a Chinese Crested?

Given their size and jaw structure, Chinese Cresteds don’t have a particularly strong bite force. Larger breeds can exert a force of 200 PSI or more, but with Chinese Cresteds, this force is significantly lower. While there isn’t a specific PSI measurement available exclusively for Chinese Cresteds, it can be assumed based on their size and structure that their bite force is at the lower end of the scale, likely much less than 200 PSI.

The Pain Factor: Does a Chinese Crested’s Bite Hurt?

While Chinese Cresteds don’t have an overpowering bite, it doesn’t mean that a bite from them won’t hurt. The sensation of pain can be subjective, varying from one person to another. Factors such as the intent behind the bite (was it playful or aggressive?), the area of the body bitten, and individual pain tolerance levels can all influence the perceived pain. In general, while a bite from a Chinese Crested might cause discomfort, it’s less likely to lead to significant injury than a bite from a larger breed.

Why Would Chinese Cresteds Bite?

Chinese Cresteds are known for their affectionate and friendly nature. However, like all dogs, there can be situations where they might feel inclined to bite:

  1. Fear or Threat: If a Chinese Crested perceives a situation as threatening, they might bite out of fear.
  2. Protection: They could bite to protect themselves, their owners, or their territory.
  3. Pain: If they’re hurt or uncomfortable, they might lash out with a bite.
  4. Playfulness: Sometimes, during play, they can get overly excited and nip.

Training and Socializing Chinese Cresteds

One of the best ways to minimize the risk of bites is by training and socializing your Chinese Crested from a young age. Regular exposure to different environments, sounds, and people can make them more adaptable and less fearful. Positive reinforcement techniques work well with this breed, rewarding them for good behavior and gently correcting unwanted actions.


While Chinese Cresteds don’t possess a formidable bite force, it’s essential to remember that any dog can bite under certain circumstances. Being aware of their needs, ensuring proper training and socialization, and recognizing the signs leading up to aggressive behavior can go a long way in ensuring harmonious interactions with your Chinese Crested.

Frequently Asked Questions About Chinese Crested Bites

1. Do Chinese Cresteds have a strong bite force?

Chinese Cresteds, being toy breeds, possess a relatively mild bite force when compared to larger breeds. Their smaller jaws are designed more for gripping rather than exerting significant force. Though they can bite, the strength behind it isn’t comparable to that of bigger breeds.

2. Are Chinese Cresteds aggressive biters?

Chinese Cresteds are generally known for their affectionate and gentle nature. While any dog can exhibit aggressive behavior under certain circumstances, this breed isn’t inherently aggressive. Proper training and socialization from a young age can further minimize biting tendencies.

3. What might provoke a Chinese Crested to bite?

Several factors might prompt a Chinese Crested to bite, including fear, feeling threatened, pain, or excessive excitement during play. It’s crucial to observe their body language and understand their needs to prevent such incidents.

4. How can I prevent my Chinese Crested from biting?

The best preventive measure against biting is early training and socialization. Exposing your Chinese Crested to various environments, sounds, and people can make them more adaptable. Using positive reinforcement techniques can also guide them toward desired behaviors.

5. Can a bite from a Chinese Crested cause injury?

While the bite force of a Chinese Crested is relatively mild, any dog bite can cause injury, especially if it breaks the skin. The severity of an injury largely depends on the intent and location of the bite.

6. Are Chinese Cresteds more likely to nip during play?

Like many small breeds, Chinese Cresteds can sometimes get overly excited during play and may nip. It’s essential to teach bite inhibition from a young age and ensure that playtime doesn’t escalate to overly aggressive behavior.

7. How does the bite force of a Chinese Crested compare to other small breeds?

While specific PSI measurements for each small breed can vary, in general, Chinese Cresteds, like other toy breeds, have a bite force on the lower end of the scale, especially when compared to larger dogs.

8. My Chinese Crested puppy bites a lot. Is this normal?

Puppy biting or “mouthing” is a typical behavior for many breeds, including Chinese breeds. This behavior is a part of their exploration and play. However, it’s essential to teach puppies to bite inhibition to ensure they don’t grow into adults who bite inappropriately.

9. Can teething cause increased biting in Chinese Cresteds?

Yes, teething can cause discomfort for Chinese Crested puppies, leading to an increased desire to chew or bite. Providing appropriate chew toys can help alleviate some of this discomfort and deter them from biting people or objects.

10. Is it necessary to seek professional training if my Chinese Crested bites?

If your Chinese Crested exhibits consistent aggressive behavior or biting, it might be beneficial to seek the guidance of a professional dog trainer or behaviorist. They can provide tailored solutions to address and correct the behavior.

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