Month: May 2024

Adopting a rescue dog is an enriching experience, filled with moments of joy and challenges. Unlike puppies, rescue dogs often arrive with a suitcase of past experiences—some good, some bad—that shape their behaviors. Understanding and addressing these behaviors is crucial to successfully training your new furry friend. In this guide, we’ll explore comprehensive strategies to
The term “gentle giant” perfectly encapsulates a special group of large dog breeds renowned not just for their impressive size but equally for their remarkable temperaments. These breeds, often towering and muscular, defy the intimidating first impressions with their sweet, calm, and affectionate natures. Ideal for families, singles, and seniors alike, these gentle giants are
The Greyhound, famed for its elegant, slender build and impressive speed, is a breed that boasts a surprising variety of coat colors. These dogs, often associated with racing and coursing, carry a genetic palette that allows for a range of beautiful and distinct colors. Each color not only adds to the aesthetic appeal of these
Not a substitute for professional veterinary help. Being a pet parent comes with plenty of decision-making, and one of the biggest is when to spay or neuter your four-legged pal. For those new to the subject, spaying is for female dogs while neutering is for male dogs. Although the procedures are different, the health, behaviorial,
Your dog’s name can offer a chance to reflect your identity, and Spanish dog names are one way to show off your amor for your heritage—or your Spanish or Latin dog breed. We selected our favorite Spanish dog names by digging through our nationwide database of dog names. Many of these names are unique, while
This post contains affiliate links. Read more here. Not a substitute for professional veterinary help. Ever put on some music before leaving your house so your dog wouldn’t feel so alone while you were gone? Some dogs, especially ones who experience separation anxiety, may feel comforted by soothing tunes, but it depends on the type
: Start training your dog to shake by shaping the exercise and using yummy treats. Before long, your dog will willingly shake paws with anyone! Credit: Thai Liang Lim | Getty Images No matter what you want to teach your dog at home, the first thing to figure out is what your dog wants for
We often use verbal commands to train our dogs, but hand signals also work well and can serve unique purposes. You can use dog training hand signals instead of or alongside verbal cues. Leslie Sinn, DVM, DACVB, of Behavior Solutions, says that dogs with sight can learn hand signals no matter their age or breed.
Akitas are majestic dogs renowned not only for their noble and dignified demeanor but also for their fascinating variety of coat colors. Originating from Japan, this breed has captured the hearts of dog lovers worldwide, not just for their loyalty and strength but also for their striking and diverse appearance. Akitas comes in several color
This review contains affiliate links. Read more here. Not a substitute for professional veterinary help. The quintessential lap dog, the Chihuahua is a toy breed known for fierce loyalty and a big-dog personality. In addition to patient training, Chihuahuas require a balanced diet to stay at their best—but with all the options on the market, it can
This review contains affiliate links. Read more here. Not a substitute for professional veterinary help. Goldendoodles are a hybrid of the Golden Retriever and Poodle, known for their friendly disposition, intelligence, and affection for their family. As a hybrid breed, you can’t quite predict what your Goldendoodle will look like when they grow up. But one