Month: July 2024

: We recommend buying food from independent pet supply stores whenever possible, as these owners and managers are often better educated about nutrition and can help you make buying decisions based on your dog’s needs. Photo by Nancy Kerns. It’s getting increasingly difficult to neatly categorize and select the best non-kibble dry dog foods. Freeze-dried
Giving your dog a pill is as easy as finding his favorite treat and burying the pill in it. If the pill is large, cut it into multiple pieces and place them in multiple treats. Credit: Snizhana Galytska | Getty Images Sometimes, giving your dog a pill is unavoidable. Maybe the medication isn’t available in
The full length of this adult female’s spay incision was tattooed, but some spay/neuter tattoos are not as long. Photo by Nancy Kerns. Dogs who have been spayed or neutered may have a small tattoo on their abdomen, or “tummy.” Called a “sterilization indicator tattoo,” this short, straight line indicates that the dog has had