Finally, A Natural Supplement That Works for Doggy Dementia


As dogs age, they encounter an increased array of health concerns, including issues like canine cognitive dysfunction, which can pose substantial challenges for their pet parents.It can be heartbreaking to watch your furry friend deal with symptoms of cognitive dysfunction, such as disorientation, irregular sleep patterns, and personality changes. Those symptoms can take a mental and physical toll on both of you as your dog deals with discomfort and you spend sleepless nights trying to console your dog.

Unfortunately, finding safe, effective health solutions for dogs can be a tricky task. You might have tried several remedies already with little improvements. So, Dr. Fossum’s Pet Care offers a solution for struggling pets by creating veterinarian-recommended supplements to tackle doggy dementia and other health problems.

Senior dog in bed

What is Dr. Fossum’s Pet Care?

Dr. Fossum’s Pet Care, a company founded by Dr. Terry Fossum, offers science-based, natural products for veterinarians and their clients so the animals can enjoy the best quality of life. The inspiration for finding natural solutions started because of a sweet 10-year-old Lab named Dan.

Dan had some health problems as he aged. However, even in his senior years, Dan loved to stay active, so Dr. Fossum knew she had to find the perfect remedy for him. Dr. Fossum found tons of options, but not all of them were backed by science. Moreover, a lot of the common drugs used in veterinary medicine could cause side effects, making it harder for Dan to live his best life.

Thus, Dr. Fossum decided to make her own canine supplements to provide products that dog parents can feel safe giving to their furry friends. The supplement is a combination of conventional nutraceuticals and Chinese herbals, and each ingredient was selected based on research model and/or clinical trial evidence of efficacy and tolerability.

Dr. Fossum’s Qualifications

Dr. Fossum is a board-certified veterinary surgeon who has spent over 25 years writing the textbook on Small Animal Surgery. Her book has been translated into several languages, and veterinarians around the world use it. She has also given over 1,000 invited lectures worldwide.

With so much background in the veterinary field, Dr. Fossum is able to create pet supplements that dog parents can trust and feel confident giving to their senior dogs. Dr. Fossum cares deeply about pets and wants to ensure her products help many pets in need.

Person holding Dr. Fossum's CogniCaps

What Products Does Dr. Fossum’s Pet Care Offer?

Dr. Fossum’s Pet Care products are highly efficacious with minimal side effects for dogs, cats, and horses. Some dog products include an anti-itch soothing spray, a pill hider dog treat, and broad-spectrum hemp extract. Yet, one of the most successful products on the site is CogniCaps, a canine cognitive function supplement that’s perfect for senior dogs suffering from doggy dementia.

How Common is Doggy Dementia?

Canine Cognitive Dysfunction (CCD), also known as doggy dementia, is more common than pet parents realize. Between 14% and 35% of the canine population face it, and 28% of dogs 11 to 12 years old have it. In dogs 15 to 16 years old, 68% have it. So, it’s a good idea to stay on top of your dog’s cognitive health before symptoms worsen.

The CogniCaps supplements can enhance a dog’s brain function and brain activity, support cognitive function, and support normal nerve cell conduction.

If you think your dog might be showing signs of doggy dementia, you can fill out Dr. Fossum’s survey to find out.

You can learn more about CogniCaps by watching this on-demand webinar. There’s also a published study in a veterinary medical journal that shows a 38% improvement in cognitive scores in 30 days.

Dr. Fossum's CogniCaps Study

Common Symptoms of CCD

Certain pet parents may attribute their dog’s behavior to old age, failing to recognize the presence of CCD. When a dog begins to exhibit daytime sleepiness and engages in nighttime activities like incessant barking and whining, the resulting disruption to the owner’s sleep can be substantial. The entire household can be impacted from the dog’s suffering.

The biggest symptoms of doggy dementia are similar to symptoms of sundowners syndrome. Every dog with CCD experiences it differently, but keep an eye out for these behaviors:

  • Disorientation/confusion, such as pacing or staring at blank walls
  • Behavior changes, such as loss of appetite, loss of energy, or excessive licking
  • Difficulties sleeping
  • Anxiety-related issues, such as not responding to training cues or urinating indoors

Pet parents witnessing the above symptoms should consult their veterinarian to find out if CCD is the cause. If so, your canine companion could benefit from CogniCaps.

Try Dr. Fossum's CogniCaps

Consider Dr. Fossum’s Pet Care for Your Dog’s Needs

If your dog is suffering from a serious condition like CCD, they deserve the best care possible. Dr. Fossum’s Pet Care provides supplements you can trust because they’re made by and recommended by veterinarians. Using Dr. Fossum’s CogniCaps could help your dog live a happier and healthier life.

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