Dog Care

Dogs sweat through their paws, but it’s ineffective. A dog with a long, wide tongue is overheated. Credit: SDI Productions Creative Yes. Dogs sweat. Unfortunately, it’s an ineffective process, and you won’t see sweat dripping from their bodies when overheated, like a human or a horse does. Dogs sweat through their paws, which have sweat
Benedryl is an over-the-counter human medication you can use for dogs with an allergic reaction, such as from a bee sting. Benedryl, or generic diphenhydramine, is an antihistamine approved for people. Benedryl is not FDA-approved for use in dogs, but it is commonly used off label. Benedryl can be purchased as 25-milligram (mg) tablets and
Refillable glass jars and bottles with pump or spray tops are available in most health food stores. These easy DIY dog gifts are worth making for yourself as well as dog-loving friends. Natural food stores and online retailers sell a variety of tins, jars, spray bottles, pump dispensers, tubes, and other containers for grooming products.
Soap or shampoo residue that’s left in the coat can contribute to dry skin, as can washing your dog too frequently. If your dog suffers from dry, itchy skin, bathe her less often, rinse very well when you do, and try one of the topical remedies described here. Photo by Jaromir Chalabala / EyeEm Getty
A dog with red eyes around the tissues, but not the eyeball, may be suffering from a mild infection or an allergy. Additional symptoms like swelling or signs of pain like squinting increase the potential seriousness of the red eyes. Credit: Freila / Getty Images The seriousness of red eyes in a dog depends partially
Before reaching for Metamucil for dogs, discuss the symptoms your dog is showing with your veterinarian to ensure the problem is simple enough for Metamucil or pumpkin to help. Credit: Kateryna Kukota / Getty Images You can use Metamucil for dogs to combat minor gastrointestinal upsets, like diarrhea and constipation. Along with canned pumpkin, Metamucil
If you shaved your dog, don’t panic. While it’s true that there are dog breeds that should not be shaved—and that shaving is not necessary for most dogs—it can be necessary. First, though, it’s important to understand why shaving is not generally recommended for dogs. Evolutionary Wonders Your dog’s coat protects his skin from the
The short answer to how hot is too hot for dogs is, it depends, but if you think it’s hot your dog thinks it’s hot. Right away, let’s be clear about things that are too hot for dogs: There is no excuse for leaving your dog in a locked car on a hot day. A
All dogs shed, losing old hair as new hair grows in. Some dogs noticeably shed all year round, some blow their coats (heavy shedding) once or twice a year, and a few dogs shed only a little. Understanding your dog’s shedding can help you manage it. Why do dogs shed in winter or when seasons
The original Furminator de-shedding tool was first brought to market in 2003. Its inventors sold a majority stake in their company five years later for an estimated $50 million. Yes, the de-shedding industry is that big! But some owners, groomers, and dogs dislike the Furminator. Humans say it can abrade the coat, removing its shine;
If your dog has blood in his poop, he should be evaluated by a veterinarian as soon as possible, because some reasons for bloody diarrhea and vomiting are serious, such as a clotting disorder. There are also simple and straightforward causes for a dog’s stool to contain blood, even if he’s acting completely normal otherwise.
Clonidine is a medication worth trying to treat your dog’s anxiety, especially if none of the more popular medicines (such as fluoxetine, trazodone, or clomipramine) prescribed by your veterinarian have worked so far. It’s not one of the first-line medications typically reached for by practitioners, but it just might be the ticket. Anxiety in dogs
Dogs who have been spayed or neutered may have a simple tattoo on their tummy. Called a sterilization indicator tattoo, this short straight line of blue or green ink indicates that the dog has had surgery to remove their reproductive organs. Why are spayed and neutered dogs tattooed? When dogs end up in a shelter,
Prenatal vitamins for dogs are generally not needed, but you do want to check with your veterinarian about vitamin B9 to ensure a healthy litter of puppies. Jaromir Chalabala / EyeEm The best prenatal vitamins for dogs are found in quality dog food. Supplementing pre-natal vitamins for dogs is not generally needed, if your dog
Mites come in all shapes and sizes and all are capable of causing difficulties for your dog, but practically speaking there are three types of mites that are by far the most common. Two are the skin mites Sarcoptesand Demodex and the third is the ear mite Otodectes. What do dog mites look like? An
Puppies who are born to mothers who have been vaccinated against parvovirus and who have had an ample opportunity to nurse in the first day or two after birth will receive infection-fighting antibodies from their mothers. This “passive immune transfer” of maternally derived antibodies should protect them in the first few weeks after birth from
A regular sneeze is when air is forcefully exhaled through the nose, often as a single event but sometimes as several sneezes in rapid succession. What is a reverse sneeze in a dog? It is when air is repeatedly and forcefully inhaled through the nose, resulting in a snort that can look and sound alarming.