Dog Care

For male dogs with urinary leakage, a simple belly band is easy to use and appears comfortable for the dog. You can get washable ones to reuse or disposable ones, much like baby diapers. For females, a panty-style diaper is necessary. Credit: Baldo | Getty Images For old dogs who have age-related physical changes that
For simple diarrhea in dogs, metronidazole is usually the first thing your veterinarian recommends. Although metronidazole is an antibiotic by class, it works as an anti-inflammatory on the intestinal mucosa. As such, regardless of what is causing the inflammation that is resulting in diarrhea, metronidazole cools the flame. So, whether the diarrhea is due to
Spore-producing yeasts or fungi normally live on canine skin without causing problems, but they can sometimes spread out of control. When this happens, a dog’s paws will become highly itchy, prompting the dog to lick them. In a very short time they become red and irritated, may develop a cheesy, musty, or pungent odor, and
Each spring and summer brings increased chatter on the internet about tick-borne diseases, particularly Lyme disease. For those of us who live in the Northeastern, Mid-Atlantic, upper Midwestern, or Pacific Coast states, Lyme disease is a year-round problem. The most prevalent cause of Lyme disease in dogs (and humans!) is the spirochete bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi,
Many older dogs get skin tags, just as older people do, and don’t need veterinary attention. Even a black skin tag on a dog is usually harmless, although sometimes people opt to have skin tags removed for cosmetic reasons. An exception to the harmless rule of thumb is a skin tag on the dog’s eyelid.
A dog’s runny nose that is a clear watery discharge is rarely anything to worry about. But, if the discharge changes color or your dog seems to be having difficulty breathing, you should call your veterinarian right away. .Credit anakeseenadeen| Getty Images Clear, watery discharge from your dog’s nose is usually nothing to worry about.
Cleaning your dog’s ears at home is simple, provided you have the right tools and you know why your dog’s ears need clearing. Credit: MAYA | Getty Images If you have a drop-eared dog – especially one who loves water – you’ve probably experienced gunky or infected ears. Prick-eared dogs can also get bacterial, yeast,
Mites cause two types of mange, Demodectic and Sarcoptic, which is also known as scabies. Both cause itching, hair loss, pain, secondary infections, and relentless scratching, biting, and licking. There are no effective home treatments for mange, so prompt veterinary care is essential. Demodectic mange is spread by Demodex mites, which are present on dogs
Stomach cancer is rare in dogs, accounting for less than 1% of all cancers diagnosed in our canine companions. This form of cancer tends to occur in older dogs and affects male dogs more than often then female dogs. Although any breed of dog can be affected, stomach cancer is seen more often in Chow
It can be pretty darned annoying when your dog whines or cries at night, keeping you from getting enough sleep! But as annoying as it is for you, think about it from your dog’s perspective: she’s crying because she’s in distress. The key to ending the fussing is to ease her distress. In years past,
You Can Participate in Dog Aging Studies Researchers with the Dog Aging Project are examining how a dog’s genetics, environment, and lifestyle influence how dogs age. They are currently recruiting dogs from all over the United States to participate in a community science studies – some of which can be done from the comfort of
Dogs who undergo general anesthesia for a surgical, dental, or diagnostic procedure often receive a combination of drugs during their hospital stay, including sedatives, anxiolytics (anti-anxiety medications), and analgesics (pain medications). They also receive an injectable anesthetic agent to induce anesthesia and a gaseous anesthetic agent to maintain anesthesia once they are anesthetized. The injectable
Disclaimer: If you purchase items through links on our site we may earn a commission. Some of the most important gear we need need for our dogs is the stuff we use to take them out in the world with us: collars, harnesses, leashes, and other critical training gear. Whether our walks together are just
A dry, hacking cough that sounds like your dog is gagging – almost as if something is stuck in his throat – followed by the appearance of foamy white mucus (known as phlegm) from his mouth are signs of tracheal irritation. The trachea (or windpipe) is the tube that connects your dog’s throat to his
Petting your dog and feeling lots of new lumps or looking at your dog and seeing lots of bumps can be concerning, to say the least. It’s even more scary if the lumps under the dog’s skin seem to move. If you find a lump on your dog, the first two things to consider are
Vestibular syndrome describes any illness that affects a dog’s vestibular system – the body’s apparatus that keeps him balanced and upright. A problem with his vestibular system causes a dog to seem dizzy and disoriented. Vestibular syndrome in a dog can be one of two types: peripheral or central. Peripheral vestibular syndrome affects the components
Most grooming experts advise against shaving dogs, but in some cases, shaving may be the best option for some older dogs’ health and happiness. Shaving is Discouraged Most veterinarians and organizations like the American Kennel Club warn that double-coated dogs (that is, dogs with an insulating undercoat) should never be shaved, stating that shaving can
This canine tooth sustained more than a little chip in a collision with another dog at high speed; it broke nearly in two. While the dog did not exhibit any signs of pain, veterinary dental x-rays showed that the pulp of the tooth sustained damage and the tooth had to be extracted. Photo by Nancy