Dog Care

A dog’s front dewclaws are analogous to your thumbs. But people often have a dog’s dewclaws surgically removed – so, you may wonder, do dogs really need thumbs? Do dewclaws do anything? The best answer to this question is… sometimes. The importance of dewclaws to an individual dog depends mostly on the dog’s lifestyle and
How often should you bathe your dog? Depending on which expert you consult, the answer could be every day, once a week, once a month, every three or four months, every six months, whenever the dog is muddy or dirty, whenever he smells bad, or never. The correct answer for you and your dog is
Don’t wait until your dog needs a bath to create a comfortable, relaxing routine for this important ritual. Plan ahead by organizing the products and equipment you’ll need, and if you’re new to dog bathing, rehearse the steps, which are: Dry brush your dog Wet with water Shampoo Rinse Apply conditioner Rinse Dry your dog
Anxiety, and the behavior problems stemming from it, is increasingly common in our companion dogs. If you have one of these dogs, you know how heartbreaking and disruptive this can be. Anxious dogs are not comfortable. They can’t relax. Sometimes they are downright panicky. This can lead to dangerous destructive behaviors, house-soiling, and even aggression.
Signs of kidney disease in dogs may be subtle and easy to miss. They also are not  specific for renal (kidney) problems and can indicate other health issues, like diabetes, heatstroke, and liver disease. The first symptoms of kidney disease in dogs are often only noted by an astute owner. You might notice that your
Tooth loss in common in older dogs, and the primary cause is periodontal disease. That’s an infection of the tissues around a tooth, sometime also involving the gums. And, if the gums are bad, the teeth will lose their grip, too. Obviously, you can’t do anything about the teeth your dog has already lost—well, you
Allowing dogs to reach skeletal maturity before neutering results in healthier joints and structure, and this is especially true for the giant breeds, like the Irish Wolfhound. Credit: Westend61 | Getty Images The best age to neuter a male dog has changed over the years. We used to think 6 months of age was just
Folliculitis is inflammation of the hair follicles. Inflammation is the body’s response to an injury or infection of some sort; when hair follicles become infected with bacteria, the body sends inflammatory cells to attack the bacteria and heal damaged tissue. In the case of inflamed hair follicles, the original insult may have been caused by
Anxiety, and the behavior problems stemming from it, is increasingly common in our companion dogs. If you have one of these dogs, you know how heartbreaking and disruptive this can be. Anxious dogs are not comfortable. They can’t relax. Sometimes they are downright panicky. This can lead to dangerous destructive behaviors, house-soiling, and even aggression.
A choking dog is a situation that can end badly, both for humans and for dogs. It puts otherwise perfectly healthy dogs at an imminent risk of dying – within minutes – if first aid is not successful. As dog owners, we should learn how to help a choking dog, even how to do the
When your dog needs an annual rabies shot depends on if he previously received a one- or three-year vaccine. However, even if he got a three-year vaccination, your dog’s rabies shot schedule is still dictated by state laws. Both the one- and three-year versions are approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Fortunately, most states
Can dogs eat chicken bones? Well, yes, he can. Should a dog eat chicken bones? Absolutely not! They can be dangerous. Many veterinarians will say the dangers of eating chicken bones are a myth, adding that dogs have eaten them for centuries. But, in the next breath, the same veterinarian will likely tell you about
If you’re wondering what is blastomycosis in dogs, consider yourself lucky. Blastomycosis, sometimes referred to as simply “blasto,” is a nasty fungal infection that causes respiratory problems and can lead to death. If you haven’t heard of it, your dog hasn’t gotten this diagnosis. Dogs (and humans!) can be infected when they accidentally breathe in
Have you ever seen a dog whose eyes were each a different color? This condition is called heterochromia, and it’s due to variations in the amount of melanin pigment in the iris, which is the colored part of the eye. Heterochromia can be congenital (inherited) or acquired. Inherited heterochromia is caused by specific genes that
Most dog knee injuries are either a patellar luxation or a cruciate ligament injury.  A patellar luxation, or dislocation, is usually due to congenital defects, which means the poor conformation was present at birth. While cruciate ligament injuries can have a conformation component as well, trauma is usually the cause. Both injuries cause pain and
There are a number of reasons for a dog’s eye or eyes to begin bulging unnaturally. If you notice your dog has one or both eyes bulging, or has an oddly colored eye or a strange discharge from the eye—get your dog to your veterinarian as soon as possible. Time is of the essence for
Alopecia is the medical term for baldness. In dogs, alopecia refers to areas on the dog’s body that are not growing hair. Most episodes of seasonal alopecia in dogs are not alopecia at all but routine turnovers of the coat or seasonal shedding. Your dog isn’t down to bare skin, he just looks naked compared