Dog Care

How much dog urine is needed for a sample? Not that much! Believe it or not, a teaspoon (5 milliliters) is enough to run a urinalysis. So even if it looks like you didn’t get much, bring it in to see if your veterinarian says it’s enough. How to get a urine sample? Start by
Not all dogs chatter their teeth, and the ones that do tend to do it infrequently and unpredictably, so finding a photograph of a dog chattering away proved impossible for us! Perhaps the most consistent occurrence of the behavior happens (sometimes) when a dog sniffs the urine of another dog. Illustration by Lili Chin,
Ear cropping is the surgical removal of most or all of a dog’s ear pinna – the flexible part of a dog’s outer ear. The procedure is often followed by several weeks of splinting and bandaging to ensure that the remaining ear pinna stands erect as it grows. This is a purely cosmetic procedure, done
So, your dog’s not a fan of your at-home spa day, but his coat requires regular brushing, and you want to keep his nails manageable for his own comfort. What can you do? Here are five tips to help make grooming a bit more pleasant for all involved: Practice all the parts of a grooming
Picture it: You have just returned home from a dinner party to find that your dog has urinated on the kitchen floor – again. She has always been a good dog about going outside to do her business. Why is she suddenly leaving large puddles of urine in the house? There are many reasons why
Vaccination requirements for your dog are higher if you participate in dog classes or events. Credit: Yellow Dog Productions Inc. / Getty Images Determining your dog’s vaccine schedule starts with a list called “core” vaccines for dogs. These vaccines are necessary for all dogs without exception. Other vaccines are recommended for some dogs, based on
Most of us love to share what we eat with our dogs. But what about sharing some of the healthier items that we drink? Let’s take a look at some of the more common beverages we may want to share with our dogs. Can my dog drink almond milk? Yes, dogs can drink almond milk
How do you know if your dog is going blind? That seems like a simple question, but it isn’t. While people are highly visual, dogs are excellent at using their other senses to compensate for a loss of vision. The classic waving your hand in front of your dog’s eyes to test his vision reaction
Recognizing signs a dog is going into labor soon is important. Your dog has three stages of labor in dogs with specific signs that help you know when your dog is in labor. A dog’s gestation period—the length of time your dog is pregnant—is 63 days. Be aware, however, that it is not the breeding
Pour the entire skunk-spray deodorizer recipe on the dog who got sprayed by the skunk and let it sit for 5 minutes, then rinse. Repeat, if necessary. Credit: Tonkovic / Getty Images When your dog gets sprayed by a skunk, there’s more to worry about than how to remove skunk smell from the dog. Although
Most skin infections in dogs are caused by Staphylococcus (Staph) bacteria. The most common culprit in dogs is Staph pseudointermedius. This infection is different from MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), the super bug that can be deadly to people. And, although MRSA is highly contagious and can transfer from dog to person, Staph pseudointermedius in a
A stressed dog is withdrawn, refusing to move toward you, ears are down, and he may be cowering—among other things. Talk with your veterinarian, a Fear-Free trainer, or behaviorist to get help before the dog’s anxiety worsens. Credit: Robert Way / Getty Images Your ability to recognize critical signs of stress in a dog is
Some dogs suffer from separation anxiety when their owners are at work—or even the grocery store—and react by destroying things, like their beds. Credit: smrm1977 / Getty Images. Melatonin is safe for dogs and particularly useful in older dogs with some cognitive dysfunction that causes a disruption of the normal sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin also is
Dogs come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors. Each breed has different physical attributes, including the shape and length of the tail. But why do some breeds have long tails while others have short tails? Although some breeds of dogs are born with a naturally bobbed tail (such as the Pembroke Welsh Corgi,
Soap or shampoo residue that’s left in the coat can contribute to dry skin, as can washing your dog too frequently. If your dog suffers from dry, itchy skin, bathe her less often, rinse very well when you do, and try one of the topical remedies described here. Photo by Jaromir Chalabala / EyeEm Getty
How much water should a dog drink in a day? The simplest, most accurate answer to this question is, “However much he needs to maintain normal hydration.” The many variables affecting a dog’s daily water intake make it impossible to just pick a number. These variables include: The moisture content of his food. The moisture
Torn or split nails are a fairly common problem with dogs but can be easily addressed by either you or your veterinarian. Some torn or damaged claws are not easy to remove, or may be so painful for your dog that he requires sedation to properly remove the damaged claw. Seek veterinary care in these