
When your cat’s paws feel hot to the touch, it may simply be her warm body temperature, or it could be a sign of health troubles. A cat’s normal body temperature can generally range from 99.5˚ to 102.5˚ Fahrenheit (F), so it makes sense that she might feel especially warm to your chillier hands. But, if
A little cough here and there may be no cause for concern, but if your cat’s cough is persistent or if you notice a change in your cat’s behavior, that’s a sign it’s time to consult your vet. Here’s what the experts say about why your cat is coughing. Reasons Your Cat Is Coughing Your
This review contains affiliate links. Read more here. Candice Pun/iStock According to the saying, cats are the curious ones. And yet, many dog owners will openly admit that their pups have a penchant for mischief. Dogs have a way of getting into trouble at the most inconvenient times and, for some dogs, turning your back
Not a substitute for professional veterinary help. Dogs certainly make our hearts spin—and, sometimes, our heads spin, too—with their behaviors. But what makes our dogs spin? Whether chasing their own tail or training to spin, dogs circling is a quirky characteristic found in many of our four-legged family members. One such common spin ritual is