
Cats are intelligent, quirky, lovable, and mysterious. They are also wild-minded animals whose evolution into their current cuddle buddy status was marked by their choice to domesticate themselves to us. Among the most fascinating things about cats is their propensity for puzzling (for lack of a better word) behavior. While they can be mellow as
In 2020, we first reported that the SPCA of Brevard County in Titusville, Florida was holding an ingenious fundraiser that both benefitted adoptable pets and helped the recently single celebrate their singleton status. Today we are delighted to report that the campaign—in which a donation to the shelter will see your ex’s name unceremoniously defiled—is
Not a substitute for professional veterinary help. Whiskers, whiskers everywhere! In addition to whiskers on her muzzle, above her eyes, and on the tip of her little chin, you’ll also find whiskers on the back of your cat’s front legs! So, what do they all do—and why oh why are some cats’ whiskers super long?
Not a substitute for professional veterinary help. “My, what large eyes you have,” I once said to my cat (who didn’t respond). Experts say you can learn a lot about how your cat is communicating with you through their body language, like a flick of their tail or a rub against your leg. But have
Not a substitute for professional veterinary help. Cats can do some baffling stuff, and their drinking habits aren’t excluded. Your cat has a cool, clean bowl of fresh water, but she seems to crave running water from the tap.  So, why are cats drawn to the running water of a faucet, and should you continue