
This post contains affiliate links. Read more here. Not a substitute for professional veterinary help. Obesity in dogs is a major problem in the United States. The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP) reports that over half of U.S. dogs are overweight, with approximately 25% of them considered obese. A big part of the problem?
This post contains affiliate links. Read more here. Love “Shark Tank”? What’s not to love about watching people bring ideas for products that range from ingenious to … interesting? Here at Rover, we’re naturally queued into “Shark Tank” dog products featured on the ABC show. Cute outfits? Check! Healthy treats? Check! Innovative technology? Check! The
What could be better than dog kisses and canine cuddles? These breeds aren’t afraid to show their love for you, in fact, they insist on it! Having one of these breeds means having a personal snuggle machine in your home. If you’ve got space in your bed or on your couch for a cuddle buddy
Shaun Singer and Dr. Stephanie Culler are a husband-and-wife team who have been finding unique ways to research cancer. Culler is the founder of Persephone Biosciences, and Singer is the director of the “Poop for the Cure” project. For years, the duo has collected fecal samples to study cancer in humans. However, they recently learned