
This post contains affiliate links. Read more here. Not a substitute for professional veterinary help. The snorts and snores of flat-faced dogs are heart-meltingly cute—but they can also be a sign that your dog might be having some problems breathing. Because of the structure of their skulls, brachycephalic breeds are more prone to breathing problems
Sometimes even the most professional of working dogs can’t control their physical urges. Or, as the saying goes: When you gotta go, you gotta go. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you view the Philadelphia Flyers), one police dog’s actions ended up being way too symbolic. The dog decided he had to do his business
This post contains affiliate links. Read more here. Not a substitute for professional veterinary help. This article is not meant to serve as medical or veterinary advice. If you are concerned that your dog may have glaucoma, or is experiencing eye discomfort of any kind, please get in touch with your veterinarian immediately. Glaucoma may
Did you know Superman is totally obsessed with his dog? Oh, no, sorry, I mean the actor who plays him in Man Of Steel, Henry Cavill. The 38-year-old English dreamboat has an American Akita named Kal, and he’s both Cavill’s best friend and his “kryptonite.” Recently, while promoting season 2 of Netflix’s The Witcher, Cavill brought
Everybody wants to be the dog’s favorite! In short, it’s all about socialization, attention, positive association, and personality. But let’s get into the nitty-gritty details so you can learn how dogs choose their favorite person—or, you know, if you just want proof that you’re number one. My dog loves me, but he loooooves my youngest brother, Jacob. It’s