
This post contains affiliate links. Read more here. Dachshunds are a fun-loving breed that enjoys walks, chasing backyard squirrels and rabbits, and romping in the park. Because of this, a harness is a great option for active Dachshunds to wear while outdoors or during training sessions. Unlike a collar that can create strain on a
This post contains affiliate links. Read more here. Treat-dispensing dog toys are indispensable for people with active dogs. Dogs love them because they’re fun and full of food, and humans love them because they keep dogs busy and entertained. What’s more, trainers and dog behaviorists recommend treat-dispensing toys to provide mental stimulation and divert unwanted
This post contains affiliate links. Read more here. We’re hitting the road and taking our furry friends with us on our excursions. But when you explore the rugged outdoors with your dog in tow, keep their needs in mind. We’ve got the dog hiking gear and goods you need to have a happy four-legged hiker. Our Ultimate Dog Hiking Gear Guide
For centuries, black cats have been mistakenly associated with bad luck, witches, witchcraft, and magic. Witches were believed to have been able to disguise themselves as black cats, or that the cats were able to do the bidding of the witches. In addition to their association with witches, black cats are associated with bad luck,
Not a substitute for professional veterinary help. Adding a puppy to your family is an incredibly joyful experience. It also comes with a lot of responsibility and care. Unpleasant things can happen, from chewed-up shoes to whining, nipping, and tummy troubles, like diarrhea. If you’re wondering why your puppy has diarrhea, know that you’re not
Lucky for us, whiskers are some of the few things we actually understand about cats. Whiskers serve many purposes and are important for a variety of reasons. While it’s nice for a cat to have a face full of them, there are times when you might notice your cat’s whiskers falling out. Here’s a quick