
Do you ever look at your spoiled, precious little dog and wonder how they could have descended from wolves? Some dogs you just can’t imagine ever surviving outside of a home without access to pillows and climate control. They are spoiled, needy, and downright dependent, but we love them anyway. A viral video from this
Thanks to Rover sitter Janelle Leeson for this guest post, originally published on her blog, Paws PDX Travels, which chronicles her adventures with her cats, Lyra and Atlas. We love fall. From crispy leaves under our paws, to cool afternoon hikes, it is truly the best season to be an adventure cat! Like many of
This post contains affiliate links. Read more here. The last thing you want to see in your house—whether it’s hiding in a corner, crawling up your wall, or scurrying across your floor—is a spider. For many people, these creepy, crawly creatures are the stuff of nightmares. But all of that changes when Halloween rolls around! Spider