Make sure you dry the dog’s ear well, using clean cotton balls or cotton gauze to wipe away dirt and earwax that’s been loosened by the cleaning solution. Photo by Irina Kashaeva, Getty Images Some dogs’ ears stay clean without any attention or effort from us, but other dogs’ ears are prone to developing a
Akitas are powerful, independent, and dominant dogs with origins in Japan. These traits extend to their dietary needs, which should be met with the same precision and care that Akitas demands in their training and daily life. 1. Understanding Akita’s Nutritional Needs The Akita is a large breed, which comes with a greater demand for
: In scent training for dogs, your dog may surprise you at how good his nosework is and how quickly he finds the particular scent he was looking for. Credit: Aksakalko | Getty Images Nosework, or scent training for dogs, such as American Kennel Club (AKC) scent work, is a dream come true for many
Dogs are often referred to as “man’s best friend,” a title they’ve earned through centuries of companionship, unwavering loyalty, and an innate ability to bring joy to the lives of humans. Among the myriad of dog breeds, each with its unique characteristics, some stand out for their exceptional friendliness and love for people. These breeds
Dramamine may help dogs who do not enjoy car rides, if the dog is suffering from motion sickness. Credit: Westend61 | Getty Images Dramamine, a brand name for the drug dimenhydrinate, is an antihistamine that is used off-label in many dogs for vestibular problems, including carsickness and senior dog vestibular disease. With its antihistamine properties,
In the vast world of canine companions, certain breeds have carved out a special place in the hearts of dog lovers for their remarkable gentleness and amiable natures. These breeds, known for their gentle souls, stand out not just for their physical beauty or prowess but for the warmth and serenity they bring to our
In the canine kingdom, where loyalty and love reign supreme, some breeds are particularly renowned for their generous hearts and boundless affection. These dogs offer more than just companionship; they provide a deep emotional connection, empathy, and an unparalleled willingness to please and care for their humans. Breeds known for their big hearts not only
Your dog will be attracted to your cat’s food, so it’s best to set the cat food bowl away from the dog’s reach. Credit: Ruslan Dashinsky | Getty Images For many dogs, getting some cat food, especially canned cat food or wet cat food, is a gourmet treat. Canned cat food tends to have more
The world of dogs is as diverse as it is vast, with each breed bringing its unique blend of personality, looks, and charm. Some dogs, however, stand out for their exceptional charisma, immediately captivating our hearts with their endearing qualities. These breeds possess a special allure that goes beyond mere physical appearance, encompassing an irresistible
Slow-cooked dog food has become increasingly popular in recent years, as pet owners look for healthier and more nutritious options for their furry friends. Slow cooking is a method of preparing food at a low temperature for an extended period of time, which helps to retain the nutrients and flavors of the ingredients. This makes
Watermelon is a great fruit treat for your dog. Credit: Luliia Bondar | Getty Images What fruit can dogs eat? Grapes and grape derived products like raisins are not safe. Aside from that notable exception many common fruits are safe for our dogs. Some fruits can be added to your dog’s regular meals in small
Welcoming a new baby into the home is a joyous and life-changing event. It’s a time full of love, wonder, and, admittedly, a bit of chaos as routines are upended and new ones are established. For new parents who are also pet owners, or those considering adding a dog to their expanding family, selecting the
With practice, your dog will learn to accept having his teeth brushed and your rewards are helping prevent dental decay and fresh dog breath. Credit: LittleCityLifestylePhotography | Getty Images If your dog’s breath makes you feel like you’re going to pass out every time your pup exhales, it’s time for an intervention. You can freshen
Transitioning to the phase of life known as the “empty nest” can be a significant adjustment for many. With children growing up and embarking on their journeys, the house can feel surprisingly quiet and empty. It’s during this time that many decide to welcome a new canine companion into their lives. The right dog can
Some dogs love pineapple, and pineapple is safe for dogs in small amounts, but always without the outer skin and inner hard core. Credit: Veronika Gaudet | Getty Images You can feed your dog pineapple. To feed pineapple to your dog, cut it just like you do to eat yourself. Cut off the tough outer